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SSI Membrane Switch Technology: Stronger Than Ever

SSI Electronics has been a leading membrane switch manufacturer for nearly 40 years. Despite advances in other technologies, membrane switches are still consistently utilized as user interfaces for a wide range of products from industrial machinery to medical devices to agricultural equipment.

A key factor in the staying power of membrane switches is the ever-increasing robustness of this technology. Now, companies serving even the most rigorous of industries can count on proven membrane switch technology to provide a reliable, long-lasting human-machine interface.

Contact SSI today for high-performance stock and custom membrane switches for your unique application. Or call us at 800-866-8510 today to speak to our team directly. Browse our Membrane Switch Product Gallery.

Membrane Switch

Membrane Switches: The Basics

A membrane switch, also called a membrane keyboard or membrane keypad, is a momentary switching device comprised of a series of flexible layers of polymer films and adhesives.

The uppermost layer of a membrane switch panel is typically called a graphic overlay, and is produced by printing on the second surface of clear polyester or polycarbonate film. Circuitry is created by screen printing conductive silver ink.

Tactile devices can easily be incorporated into the membrane switch to provide feedback to the operator that the switch has been activated. Other electronic components can be implemented, as well, such as discrete LEDs, backlighting sources, and connectors that make membrane switches easy to integrate into other systems or devices.

membrane switches

Are Your Membrane Switches or Keypads Failing? We Can Help!

Utilizing SSI’s nearly 40 years of experience designing and manufacturing membrane switches, we have identified the necessary safeguards to ensure your products will last.

Click here to learn more about our proprietary program of diagnosing the unique risks that your products will encounter and then integrate the necessary technology to mitigate these risks.

We are so confident in our ability to increase the robustness of your product, that put our money where our mouth is and CERTIFY it to last. Click here to arrange for a free assessment of your product.

Key Benefits of Membrane Switch Technology

Moisture Resistance

Membrane switches are comprised of thin polymer films that are laminated together using powerful pressure-sensitive adhesives. Both the film itself and the adhesives used provide superior resistance to moisture without the need for individual seals around each key on the membrane keypad.

Easy to Clean / Sanitize

The relative flatness of membrane switch panels make them far easier to clean and sanitize than other HMI options. The appliance, medical, and dental industries have long utilized membrane switch technology for this very reason.

Low Cost

Compared to mechanical keys, touch screens, capacitance switches, or other interface technologies, membrane switches are generally the most economical option. Membrane switches not only provide the lowest per-piece price, but also the lowest tooling costs among all competing devices.

Easily Customizable

Thanks to the above-mentioned low tooling costs, membrane switches are easy for designers to customize. Size, shape, look, and feel can all be tailored to user requirements to create truly custom membrane switches.

Integrated Graphics

Unlike other technologies, membrane switches allow for the seamless integration of complex graphics. Membrane switch panels can include nearly limitless graphic options, from logos to fades to multi-colored designs. This gives designers an easy and effective way to differentiate their products from the competition.

random switches on the table

Stock Membrane Switches

In addition to custom membrane switches that can be tailored to meet your unique specifications, SSI is one of few membrane keypad manufacturers that provides a line of stock membrane switches. SSI’s membrane switches are an easy and cost-effective way to take initial steps toward integrating membrane switch panels into your equipment. Get a quote today or give us a call at 800-866-8510 with your keypad requirements.

hybrid membrane switch

Using Hybrid Keypads as an Alternative to Membrane Switches

Membrane switches from SSI Electronics are a reliable and versatile solution for a range of applications, but for those desiring a more unique design, we also offer hybrid keypads. Our hybrid keypads provide the same features as our membrane switches with the added look and feel of a rubber keypad. The custom rubber keypad embedded into the design ensures that your users know their finger is on the key, provides a superior tactile response, and provides an incredibly fresh look to the user’s product.


FIT Certification Information


Simply put, all membrane switches are not designed and/or built the same. At SSI, we take pride in understanding and even predicting the potential rigors that our products may eventually need to endure in the field. That, coupled with our many years of experience building product for countless industries arms us with the necessary knowledge.

Contact the Industry Leaders in Membrane Switch Technology

Contact SSI to discuss membrane switch options for your application or request a quote or call 800-866-8510 today.

Contact Our Membrane Switch Experts Now!